Are there Quantum Jumps?
5 September 2005, ICTP — Trieste, Italy
Celebration of the 70th birthday of Professor GianCarlo Ghirardi.
Distinguished guests will talk on foundation of Physics. Confirmed
speakers: Stephen L. Adler (Institute for
Advanced Study, Princeton, USA); David Albert
(Columbia University, New York, USA); Giovanni
Jona-Lasinio (Universitą “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy);
Roger Penrose (Oxford University, Oxford,
UK); Alberto Rimini (Universitą
di Pavia, Pavia, Italy).

On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics
7–9 September 2005, Mali Losinj, Croatia
The conference will cover different topics on the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, from the mathematical, physical, and philosophical point of view. A significant amount of time will be devoted to interdisciplinary discussions.
E-mail: fisicons@ictp.trieste.it
We thank our sponsors for supporting the two meetings.
The activities are organized in collaboration with Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General.
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