Are there Quantum Jumps?   On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics

5–9 September 2005   Trieste & Mali Losinj

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How to arrive

Picture of a view of Trieste


Complete info may be found on the ICTP web site:


Map of the Island of Losinj

Losinj Island

How to reach Losinj

The easiest way to travel to Losinj is by car. A ferry leaves from Brestova for Porozine every hour, at 6:30, 7:30, ...,  20:30. The same ferry goes back from Porozine to Brestova at 6:00, 7:00, ..., 20:00. There is also another ferry connecting Valbiska to Merag. Detailed timetables can be found here.

Geographic Informations

Losinj Island is placed in the northern Adriatic sea, in the Kvarner bay. It is in the southern part of the Cres–Losinj archipelago, the climate is distinctly Mediterranean and the average summer temperature is about 24°C. The achipelago is very dry except for the lake of Vrana, which provides drinkable water for inhabitants.

During the past centuries Losinj people were farmers and, later, fishermen sailors and shipbuilders. Nowadays the larger town of the Island is Mali Losinj, placed on the Island main gulf and harbour. Today Mali Losinj is one of the main tourist centres on the Adriatic known in all European tourism circles, which is proofed by an ever bigger number of guest that visit the island every year


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