Are there Quantum Jumps?   On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics

5–9 September 2005   Trieste & Mali Losinj

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On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics

– 7, 8 and 9 September, Hotel Aurora, Losinj –

Preliminary schedule.

Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:00 Opening
09:15 G. Jona-Lasinio          09:00 S. L. Adler 09:00 F. De Martini
10:00 L. Diosi 09:45 D. Albert 09:45 F. Dowker
10:45 Coffee Break 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 G. Marmo 10:45 R. Tumulka 10:45 G. Casati
11:45 P. Budinich 11:30 A. Kent 11:30 G. M. D'Ariano
12:30 Lunch 12:15 Lunch 12:15 Lunch
15:00 L. Lanz 15:00 Round Table 15:00 V. Scarani
15:45 E. Gozzi          Organization:              15:45 L. Hardy
16:30 H. Westman          N. Zanghě 16:30 M. Dalla Chiara
         W. Struyve          R. Giuntini
17:10 H. Nikolic          G. Toraldo di Francia
17:50 End 17:30 End 17:15 End
20:00 Dinner 20:00 Dinner 20:00 Dinner


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